The Development of the Canon of the New Testament

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Early Lists of the Books of the New Testament

Catalogue inserted in codex Claromontanus
The Canon of Cyril of Jerusalem
The Cheltenham Canon
The Canon approved by the Synod of Laodicea
The Canon approved by the 'Apostolic Canons'
The Canon of Gregory of Nazianus
The Canon of Amphilochius of Iconium
The Canon approved by the third Synod of Carthage
The Decretum Gelasianum
Catalogue of the Sixty Canonical Books
The Stichometery of Nicephorus

Catalogue inserted in Codex Claromontanus

In the 6th century codex Claromontanus (D), a Greek and Latin manuscript of the Pauline epistles, someone placed between Philemon and Hebrews a Latin list of the books of the Bible. Zahn and Harnack were of the opinion that the list had been draw up originally in Greek at Alexandria or its neighborhood ~300 CE. According to Jülicher the list belongs to the 4th century and is probably of western origin.

[An Old Testament list is followed by:]

Four Gospels:  
Matthew 2600 lines
John 2000 lines
Mark 1600 lines
Luke 2900 lines
Epistles of Paul:  
To the Romans 1040 lines
The First to the Corinthians 1060 lines
The Second to the Corinthians 70 (sic) lines
To the Galatians 350 lines
To the Ephesians 365 lines
[three lines seem to have fallen out
here; Philippians, I Thessalonians
and II Thessalonians are missing]
The First to Timothy 209 lines
The Second to Timothy 289 lines
To Titus 140 lines
To the Colossians 251 lines
To Philemon 50 lines
– The First to (sic) Peter 200 lines
The Second to (sic) Peter 140 lines
Of James 220
The First Epistle of John 220
The Second Epistle of John 20
The Third Epistle of John 20
The Epistle of Jude 60 lines
Epistle of Barnabas 850 lines
The Revelation of John 1200
The Acts of the Apostles 2600
– The Shepherd 4000 lines
– The Acts of Paul 3650 lines
– The Apocalypse of Peter 270

The last four dashes identify works of doubtful or disputed canonicity. The dash before I Peter may be only paragraphus, or Greek paragraph mark, to suggest that I Peter and the items that follow are not part of the Pauline Epistles.

Pages created by Glenn Davis, 1997-2010.
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